KOMAWORLD/English Version

Collection of famous gooseneck. river.

San Juan River GOOSENECK, Utah USA

@copyright Johannes Schramm

The photo is San Juan River GOOSENECK, Utah USA. 
From my view point, the landscape of Koma-River is similar to this river because the course of the 
river like the gooseneck.
The present Koma-River is a national river located at west side of Tokyo.
From bird eyes view, Koma-River has a tricky course as shown in the figure.   
You can find out many houses and transpotation system along the river.
About 12000 years ago, the climate was mild and the Tokyo Bay invaded over Saitama.  
About 2500 years ago, people lived near the river or the sea coast.  
You can find out restitution model of straw house near the Koma-River.

More photograph of Komaworld is here.

Bern (Switzerland)

Bern is famous old city in Switzerland which is one of the world heritage. 
The city center of Bern is surrounded by river like the gooseneck.
Swiss Map    Click left figure, then open the MAP (左の図をクリックしてください。地図が現れます)

ベルン(Bern) という市の名前の由来は”熊”=Bare だ。この街を創設をした王様が名前を決めるために狩を催しました。王様は「一番最初に捕まえた動物の名前を市の名前にする」と言ったのです。そのときに捕らえられた動物が”熊”だったのでこの名前が付けられたそうです。